Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Naturally Whiten Your Teeth At Home

My teeth are not as white as I would like for them to be. I was surfing the youtube channels and kind across something my mother use to do when I was small. She use to clean our teeth with baking soda and then brush with regular toothpaste. This will leave your mouth feeling nice and clean. To whiten your teeth with baking soda, mix 1 table spoon of baking soda with lime juice or lemon juice, it does not take a lot of juice. Just squeeze the juice onto the baking soda, it will began to bubble due to the acid. Then mix to form a paste. This does not taste good so, I used one strawberry with baking soda. First, I put about a tablespoon of baking soda on a small plate, cut the strawberry in half and just covered to top part with baking soda and then I rubbed it onto my teeth. It tasted better than the lemon or lime juice. You will want to use a fresh fruit that to get the juice not bottled juice.

I tend to drink coffee and tea often so I tried this and I can see a difference. Do Not do this more than once a week because it could damage your teeth due to the acid..This is a good tip for in between your dental appointments for regular cleanings.This is a good tip for my natural health journey. I hope this helps someone else...Don't forget to floss, rinse & brush regularly......I hope everyone is happy, healthy & blessed!!Enjoy~~

Happy Whitening...

It really works...

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